It has been a pretty busy week around here. If you have checked out this week, we’re here to check you back in with the Addict Roundup!
-What are you doing for the Draft? You’re going to be on Arrowhead Addict because Arrowhead Addict will be AT the Draft, reporting live for you!
-I throw the AA faithful hoping for a LT a bone…and suggest an official song for AA.
-The Chiefs have released their preseason schedule and their OTA schedule.
-Andrew is still hating on Bulaga.
-Staff writer Jeremy thinks the Chiefs should draft for need this April.
-Reader Ehud has made great use of AA’s Forums, posting original content in the Addict Posts and in our Ask Merlin Forum, he questions Merlin on whether or not Taylor Mays would make a good linebacker.
-Finally, if you aren’t following us on Twitter then you aren’t getting the full AA experience. Twitter will be even more crucial on draft day when I will be tweeting live updates in real time! What are you waiting for? Follow us on Twitter!