Hey Chiefs Addicts...","articleSection":"Kansas City Chiefs News","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Editorial Staff","url":"https://arrowheadaddict.com/author/author"}}

Open Mic Night

Hey Chiefs Addicts!  I hope everyone had a great night and held their liquor, I didn’t drink much because I had to work.  I did however hang with the ultra cool crowd and watch Rockin’ Eve with Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest.  I think this is the last year I will watch it while Clark is still on the show.  It’s too depressing to watch him on television.  God bless you Dick Clark, but it is probably time to hang it up.

Well, this is a Chiefs blog so I will hop back to it.  Tomorrow will be the last Sunday of the NFL regular season, and the Chiefs are fortunate enough to close out the “first season” at home with the Faders coming in to KC.  On the site we had a big week.  We smashed the monthly traffic record and have been on high with the Chiefs clenching the division.  Randy reported back from the Titans game on another Arrowhead Adventure, and Lyle went over his top ten reasons the Chiefs won the West.  Double D ran down the current DVOA rankings for the Chiefs, and Merlin weaved his magic into Raiders Week.  As far as Patrick, he handed out his weekly arrowheads after a total domination of Tenessee.

I hope this new year holds great things for the Addicts, and the Chiefs Nation in general.  So the site is now yours Addicts.  There is a lot to talk about:  the Raiders game, the playoffs, the Chuck Weis drama (I hope this ends soon), and the pro bowl selections.  I still think if Manning wasn’t “Manning” that his season wouldn’t have got him into the game over Cassel.  What do you think?

Have a good night Addicts!
