A Update On The Chris Ballard Situation


Chiefs director of personnel Chris Ballard is a hot commodity this offseason for teams in search of general manager, and it looks as if one of those teams is going to land him.

Last we left Ballard he was rejecting an interview offer with the New York Jets, who are in search for a new everything after finishing with a 4-12 record in 2014. But this may mean more about where he’s going as opposed to him staying in Kansas City.

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Reports are Ballard is going to decline to interview with the Philadelphia Eagles, who are in search for a front office partner for head coach Chip Kelly. This is the latest indication Ballard is probably going to take the Chicago Bears job.

Should Ballard take that job there are rumors suggesting Dave Toub, the Chiefs’ special teams coach, may be going with him to take over as the head coach. Ballard and Toub each have experience working in Chicago in addition to working together in Kansas City.

Ballard has already turned down an interview with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

It would seem the writing is on the wall for Ballard, who has been long sought after by other NFL franchise before this season. His experience as a coach and front office man make him uniquely qualified for the position and he’s seen as a future star as a general manager.

Toub situation is a bit more muddied. His name has not popped up anywhere else as a potential head coach though maybe it should be. The Bears seem logical for him because of, again, his experience there and his relationship with Ballard. But the Bears also have a very murky quarterback situation and a defense that needs a compete retooling. Rex Ryan is available, and Mike Shanahan is said to want to get back into coach. Bears ownership may want an experienced head coach to pair with a rookie GM.

Whatever the case may be with Toub, it seems it’s not a question of if Ballard is going to be in Chicago soon but when. That leaves the Chiefs with a big front office position to fill.