Well, here we go again. We fired our head coach!..."/> Well, here we go again. We fired our head coach!..."/>

What Have We Learned In Five Seasons In Kansas City?


Well, here we go again. We fired our head coach! Fired our GM! Brought in a backup quarterback from another team that is both unproven and expensive.

How exciting!

It makes me think back to the Herm Edwards, Carl Peterson, Matt Cassel days of crushed hope and broken dreams.

But what the hell, it’s only football.

“Only football”…..

To Chiefs fans, that is similiar to saying that our mothers are “only mothers”.

But here we are again with a new GM, new head coach, and a new QB, but this time, there are more pieces in place. More so, I think, then they did when Scott Pioli was brought aboard.

But will things turn out differently this time?

Hopefully we learned a lot over the last several years failures.

Without further BS, let’s get on to the things your old Arrowhead Adventurer has learned from our mistakes in the last few years.

Things I hope Clark Hunt has learned too.

1.  Our GM and our head coach have to get along. Period. And if they don’t you cannot make them. Let the new, promising coach have some input in the choice.  Or vica versa.

2. A backup quarterback that leads a team to a division win, isn’t necessarily a quarterback than can get your team further.

3. As a fan, when your team is the worst in the NFL, a division win seems awesome. But if your team can’t close the deal it doesn’t mean squat. You just wind up with a much lighter wallet and a very empty feeling in your stomach as you drive home from the post season loss.

4. Kansas City Cheifs fans are the most loyal, amazing, enthusiastic fans in the NFL. But don’t take us for granted. We can and will stay home Clark. No matter how much money you put into our beloved stadium.

5. A crappy coach can look successful when surrounded by gifted players. For awhile. Until he isn’t surrounded by gifted players anymore.

6. On a cold December Sunday, Arrowhead can be the warmest place on earth when it’s full. And the coldest when it’s nearly empty.

7. $27.00 for parking can seem like an amazing deal if your team leads the division. Or highway robbery if your team sucks.

8. The mystique of Arrowhead has faded but it can reappear just as quickly on a warm spring Monday night.

9. You can’t win if you don’t spend the money it takes to win.

10. Spending the money it takes to win doesn’t mean you will.

And so it goes. I’m so excited for the upcoming season I’m not sleeping that well.

I’m breathlessly trading updates with my buds in the lunchroom.

And wearing my Kansas City Chiefs clothes to the gym again.

But in the back of my mind, I won’t let myself get to excited yet.

Because I’ve learned a lot in the last five seasons.

How about you?