Chiefs DVOA Analysis: Week 9

So how’d everyone in Addictville like that stinker last Sunday? Was it simply a case of the Chiefs looking ahead on the schedule and getting waylaid in what was an obvious trap gate? Or could it have been a telling signpost of more deep-rooted problems with this season’s edition of the Chiefs?

We’ll get into my thoughts on all that, along with some Football Outsiders stats in support, just beyond the jump.

Aside from Special Teams and a couple of players performing well on offense, there’s nothing particularly positive to report here.

Nor here.

Nor here either.

Look, as I suggested last week, in spite of our 4 sloppy/lucky wins, the Chiefs are simply underwhelming on so many levels. Outside of a couple of players, our team as a whole is not improving week to week and it’s hard to see how they will until our QB and both sides of our line find a way to take command. If you think the Dolphins were a minor, overlooked blip on our road to a another division title, think again. The Broncos are a better team than the Dolphins, and on paper anyway, generally speaking a better team than the Chiefs. This Sunday is not going to get any easier than last, nor will any part of what remains of our schedule get easier as long as the Chiefs continue to flounder along pretty much the way they have so far this season.

That’s my Double Take.

What’s your take, Addicts?
