The Kansas City Chiefs are looking to spruce up their roster and here at Arrowhead Addic..."/> The Kansas City Chiefs are looking to spruce up their roster and here at Arrowhead Addic..."/>

Have Your Artwork Displayed Weekly On Arrowhead Addict


The Kansas City Chiefs are looking to spruce up their roster and here at Arrowhead Addict we are looking to spruce up our website.

Being a free site, we don’t have tons of money to pay artists to create stuff for us.

Currently our earnings are all used up in the following charities/ventures:

-Big Matt’s coke habit

-Prostitutes for Paddy

-Lyle’s treatment for Kool-Aid addiction

-Merlin’s magic wand, cauldron and flowing robe expenses

-Jeremy’s bribes to local judges

-Adam’s collection to acquire the “Glee” Box Set

As you can see, we’re tapped out. As such, we need your help.

We’ve had some really awesome graphic work done for us by readers before and we are humbly asking for your assistance again. We are in the process of branding our Chiefs opinion columns that you read most afternoons. Each writer has picked a name for their weekly feature and we are opening it up to our readers to design some sweet looking graphics bearing the new column names.

Here is what we are looking for:

Quick Slant (Victor)

Adam’s Audibles (Adam)

Merlin’s Magic (Merlin)

Armchair Addict (Lyle)

Big Matt’s Chiefs Chat (Big Matt)

Chief Concerns (Jeremy)

Arrowhead Adventures (Randy)

Nick’s Blitz (Nick)

And some of you long time readers will be seeing the return of…

Paddy’s Pot of Gold (Patrick)

Contest rules are after the jump:

Arrowhead Addict is accepting reader designed graphics for the staff’s weekly columns. The winning designs will be featured weekly on Arrowhead Addict and the designer’s will have their names added to the Arrowhead Addict “About” page as “Artwork Contributors.”

All submissions should be original work and should be the sole creation and property of the artist. All submissions will become property of Arrowhead Addict.


-Please make sure the graphics include the name of the column and are not too large to fit on AA. The artists should take into account what type of graphics look good on the AA main page.

-The graphics should somehow be Chiefs/football related. (Duh!)

-You may submit as many graphics as you would like. Obviously we have a lot of columns we need artwork for and we hope to fill them all so go nuts.

Thank you very much in advance to anyone who submits. Please have your submissions in by Monday, January 24th at midnight.

You can send your submissions to: