Chiefs 2015: Who cares about preseason football? You should!


Well, Addicts, training camp is going strong, and preseason games are right around the corner.

I hear quite a bit about the preseason (mostly when I bring it up): Some good things, some neutral, but mostly bad.

I certainly do not like being forced to pay full price for a practice session as a season ticket holder. I have to pay about $320 more than I think I should have to for my season tickets every year.

The extended season gave me hope for awhile. That went nowhere.

But the thing is, preseason football is worth checking out, especially if you do not get to go to many games, or if you sit in the upper deck (a pretty fun place to be).

Get there early, stay there late and you will enjoy some decent tailgating and partying.

You won’t freeze your butt off, though, with Midwest summers, you might roast it off. But, that is what cold beer is for.

And the cheerleaders are much more accessible than usual on the parking lot.

“But isn’t preseason just glorified practice?” you might ask.

Pretty much, yes.

Which, to your Arrowhead Adventurer, is pretty darn cool.

You get to see things you won’t see during the regular season. Players you will not see play, plays you will not see run, all  kinds of fun stuff.

And since tickets are dirt cheap, you can sit in the lower level for some pretty cheap prices.

That, in itself, is worth the trip.

But why just sit and watch the game?

Roam around for chrissake. Peek in doors. Jiggle the knobs, see where they go.

Try and find the jail cells over the hall.

Ask the lady at the concession stand what you can order off the menu, and see good food you will find.

Talk to the players.

Talk to the coaches.

Talk to the other hardcore Chiefs-loving red-volutionaries.

Hook up with babes. Gets some digits. Check out seats and take notes for when you come back for a regular season game.

Hang over the rail. Try and get on the jumbotron. Wave at the cheerleaders. Drink beer. Eat some of the best stadium food in the league.

Take off your shirt. Face paint. Chest paint. Wear a gorilla suit. Hold up a sign. Sit back and close your eyes and dream about all the incredible things that have happened over all those seasons on the greatest NFL field in the world.

Check out preseason. Then let me know if you love it as much as I do.