Things To Do At Training Camp 2015!


Training camp 2015 is just around the corner!

And thanks to the Hunt family, its also just down the road.

No more 10-hour drive to Wisconsin, no place for the Kansas City Chiefs to mold our team.

But what does a person do at training camp?

Whats the big deal about watching a practice? “Might as well just hit the preseason games”, you might say.

Well hopefully over the next few weeks you will enjoy my tales and adventures, and make the trip to St. Joe this year.

This week lets talk about scouting.

Scouting is my favorite thing to do at training camp, and if you give it a shot, it can easily be yours too.

You will need a good set of binoculars, maybe even a spotting scope.

They will not allow “supposedly” , cameras with detachable lenses but you will see plenty of them there.

Take a back up with attached lens to keep in the car, and you might want to just take one like that in anyway. That’s what your Arrowhead Adventurer does.

Bring your favorite, dog eared, marked up draft magazine, only the best don’t need any help  with individual player stats. And even they bring notes.

Then when you get there (you will be waiting at the gates when they open of course), perform a quick, hard target search of whats going on and get busy.

I like to target individual players, one at a time.

I make notes of what I see in the player. Conditioning, stamina, muscle tone, even the “it factor” (my it factor scale is 1 to 10).

How are they getting along with the other players? Are they listening to the coach? Are they running everywhere or dragging their butts?

When you get home, review your notes, then let us know here at Arrowhead Addict what you saw at camp, what you feel about the individual players, anything else you want us to know.

Send us pictures too!

Then pour over the upcoming schedule and use your unique knowledge to predict game outcomes.

I have seen things over the years. Weaknesses, strengths, interactions that I know I alone saw.

Pay attention and you will too.