K.C. Chiefs Top Ten Players Of 2014

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From ProFootballFocus.com comes this,

“(Rodney) Hudson ended the year (2014) with the third-highest grade for centers and second-best Pass Blocking Efficiency allowing only 11 pressures.”

A Center is the play caller of the offensive line making sure blocking assignments are lined up prior to the snap. Hudson has developed into an excellent OL leader. He is also the only Center in all of football to grade out positively in every category: pass blocking, run blocking, screen blocking and penalties. Hudson has become every bit as important to the offensive line as Dontari Poe has become to the defensive line. When you have been ranked the third best Center in all of the NFL, even if it’s just for one year, you deserve to be at least number five on your own team’s list of the top ten best players.

Fit for the Chiefs

The big dilemma with Rodney Hudson is… can the Chiefs afford to keep him financially? Personally, I don’t think the Chiefs can afford to not keep him from the perspective of improving the offensive line. How do you let your best lineman walk when you already have a minimum of two positions out of five that need upgrading, and ideally three? Eric Kush has been groomed for this eventually but if you throw another inexperienced player into the fray you raise another question mark along an already horrible offensive front. Oh, the dilemma.

It wasn’t that long ago that Chiefs fans were clamoring for a NT tackle that was dominant while simultaneously bemoaning their recent failures in the draft (e.g. Ryan Sims and most recently Glenn Dorsey). In 2014, Poe had 6 sacks. A couple of his contemporaries, Haloti Ngata and Vince Wilfork had 2 sacks and 0 sacks respectively. Poe had 51 tackles in 2013 and 48 in 2014 which is excellent production from the NT position. Poe usually attracts a double-team which frees up linebackers and other linemen to get to the ball.

A Fit for the Chiefs

Now, the Chiefs have one of the best in the business and he is an anchor for the defense and someone around which to build the team. In a year Dontari Poe will complete his rookie contract and be ready to get a hefty raise. Fortunately the Chiefs have a lot of cap space available in 2016 which is a very good thing because… Poe boys don’t come cheap!

Please join me tomorrow morning to find out who the Top Three Players are on the 2014 K.C. Chiefs. We’ll also take a look at the Honorable Mentions and there are quite a few.

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What do you think so far Addict Fans? Any players I might have out of order?