Chiefs DT Dontari Poe Redefines The Term ‘Cannonball’

August weather in Kansas City can be pretty brutal sometimes, which is why it is always nice to have access to a pool and shade when things get too out of control. Some Chiefs players, Chase Daniel and Dontari Poe being two of them, were fortunate enough to find such a place on a recent warm August day.

Unlike many of our swimming experiences Daniel was in line for a front row seat for a Dontari Poe cannonball. Yes, a Dontari Poe cannonball is as terrifying as it sounds. Judge for yourself.

You know that scene in ‘The Lion King’ when Scar is leaping towards Grown Up Simba in that fiery fight scene and Simba flips Scar off the ledge? Okay, the part where they do the slowmo of scar lunging at Simba is the image I had in my mind of Poe flying into the camera. Excuse me, I have to go change my pants.

Okay, I’m back. I cannot imagine being a running back or quarterback and seeing someone like Poe bursting through the line and trying to take my head off. Especially when you consider how crazy athletic that guy is. Remember, that’s 350 pounds clearing the ledge of that pool. That’s pretty impressive.
