Who Had The Best “First Drives” In The AFC West?

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Cowboys Offense vs. Raiders Defense

-Cowboys starting on Raiders 16 yard line (a very short field)

1. Penalty- holding on Jason Witten for -10 yards.

2. QB Tony Romo goes to throw a screen pass (shown above), DE Jack Crawford gets a piece of it for an incompletion. It’s a good thing Crawford tipped it, as you can see, if the pass is completed it probably goes for a TD.

3. Romo back to pass, Raiders blitz, he’s sacked by LB Sio Moore. Ball on 31.

4. Romo passes to WR Miles Austin for 11 yards to the 20.

5. Field Goal successful by Dan Bailey.

With the Raiders defense being placed in the bad situation of having the ball on their own 16 yard line, they did an admirable job of keeping the Cowboys out of the end zone and holding them to just a field goal.