We are all thankful for so many things – famil..."/> We are all thankful for so many things – famil..."/>

The Chiefs To Be Thankful For


We are all thankful for so many things – families, friends, colleagues, our health, the lives we have in this country and those who defend our freedoms, our faiths – the list goes one and on.

But this post is about our beloved Chiefs. Here’s what I think we have to be thankful for:

  • Derrick Johnson: DJ is in his prime. He is consistently awesome and clearly a respected leader on this team. Thank you, DJ.
  • Tamba Hali and Justin Houston: We have one of the most exciting pass rush tandems in the league. I expect even bigger things in 2013.
  • Dontari Poe: Dontari, you rocked it this rookie season. You are fast, strong and aggressive. Keep up the progress – you will be special in this league.
  • Brandon Albert: the one consistency on our O-Line. I think Brandon is the top priority for next year’s contract negotiations.
  • Jamaal Charles: Still the man.
  • Brandon Flowers: In addition to being a premier cornerback in the league, Flowers remains a great tackler, which I love about him.
  • Dustin Colquitt: Colquitt just keeps booming great field position kicks, game after game.

And, that’s about it. For those eight players, thank you. Thank you for putting forth your full effort this year, and for producing for every moment you were on the field. This group of eight – that a general manager could really build a team around! – fits the mold of what the Kansas City Chiefs used to be. We had prideful, tough men on and a dominant running game. We had players who didn’t make excuses but put their noses to the grindstone and made plays all day long. That’s who these eight players are.

This offseason, I think literally everyone else’s role is up for grabs, except for a handful of players who get a one-year injury pass, like Rodney Hudson, Tony Moeaki and Eric Berry. And of course, the top of the expendable list includes our general manager and the entire coaching staff.

Clark, it’s time to clean house. This last Bengals game was the straw that broke the already broken camel’s back. We were uncompetitive, uninspired and an utter embarrassment. From the first minute, we literally had no chance to win the game. And to me, the responsibility for that travesty starts with the coach. Pioli’s ineptitude is matched only by Romeo Crennel’s incompetence. Our team has talent. Motivation, technique and game planning separate the great teams from the atrocious teams. We have none of those things.

The first thing I’d do is fire Romeo, and I’d do it now. Romeo just cannot get this team ready to play. The offensive and defensive units are out of sync, with no imagination, no creativity and no impact. Let’s put in an interim coach – it doesn’t matter who – just put someone else in. Maurice Carthon? Great. Jim Zorn? Wonderful. Emmit Smith? Why not? We need a change. We need a jolt. No matter what our draft order is next year, we just do not want to end the season at 1-15 and carry a 13 game losing streak into the 2013 season. Additionally, having the first pick in the draft is shaping up to be just about the exact wrong pick this year to select a quarterback. So how about we win a few games and drop down a few slots, so we don’t have to give up so much to draft a QB and ruin our future as well?

This Sunday, the Broncos come to town. Clark, you’ve already seen what Arrowhead looks like when it’s half-empty. What other motivation do you need to make a change?

Addicts, let’s all give thanks today – the fact that we all have time to talk football each week is just one reason we should all be thankful. But for the love of crispy turkey skin, Clark, can you help us out here?!!!

Addicts, what players are you most thankful for? Happy Turkey Day everyone!!