It Ain’t Easy Being A Chiefs Fan. But It’s Worth The Effort.

It’s a long ride home from Arrowhead sometimes…..

The trip on a bright sunny afternoon following a win is a welcome part of a day at the best NFL stadium in the world. The trip after a loss can be a long, cold, dark three hours of reflection.

I have friends who have never experienced a win at Arrowhead. Friends who have been to a good number of  games too, not just one. That makes me sad.

I have friends who experienced many wins at Arrowhead during the Marty and Dick years and simply stopped going after the Herm years.  That is sad, too.

I remember times at Arrowhead when any game any day was the best experience in the NFL.  No longer true.

In years past , tickets in the upper level of Arrowhead would sell for three times face value. Seven dollars for a fifty five dollar ticket at the Red Sea now is pretty normal on Stub Hub. There are games when an extra upper level ticket cannot be given away now.

Whose fault is it? Too many possibilities to list here. Plenty of blame to go around for sure.

Some of the fault no doubt lies with the ownership. Some of it lies with the coaching staff. Some off it lies with the economy. Bad luck, no doubt, is a major factor. This year it’s especially true.

What does a loyal Chiefs fan do?

Stick with the red and gold of course. We made a pledge long ago that we would never give up on our beloved Chiefs, and of course we will not.

Sunday as I walked to the car with my buddy Kent, a Steelers fan sneered and waved his terrible towel at me in victory, and I wanted to shove it down his throat. But I saw a cheerleader hoist a giggling little girl dressed in her own tiny little cheerleading outfit high above that cheerleaders head. And I wanted to take a picture.

I saw Palko throw away the game in the last moments, and I wanted to charge the field and strangle him. But my buddy Jeff who sits next to me at the games showed me his new Arrowhead bus he had been working on and we made plans to cruise to  the games in style next season.

I wanted to show head-cheerleader Jena who was cheering tirelessly in front of my seats in Amen corner and tell her that she would not have to fight the good fight alone next year because I would be right here with her.

As I rode home, I had the thoughts I always have during seasons like this. Thoughts of giving up my tickets for good and watching the game for free at home next year. It was a fleeting thought, for the great weight of being a lifelong Chiefs fan weigh heavy on my shoulders.

Too many people depend on me.

The fans in my section depend on my sarcastic comments when the opposing fans behind us politely suggest we sit down for awhile and allow them to see what is going on down there.

The players depend on me to shout encouragement to them as they pray in the little corner in front of my seats and show real fear and real courage as they prepare to participate in  the most violent sport on the planet. A game that can reward a player who gives his all with game-ending, season-ending, or even career-ending injury. Or worse.

My buddies depend on me to share my beloved second row seats with them once or twice a year, and share a day and an experience that only a select few of the citizens of planet Earth will experience that day or ever.

My little brick that has my name on it at Arrowhead depends on me to bend down on my knees and wipe it off with the napkin I save from Aurther Bryant’s specifically for that purpose each and every game day.

And finally somebody has to bore the living hell out of loyal readers of Arrowhead Addict with Arrowhead Adventures.

Yep, it isn’t easy being a Chiefs fans sometimes. But it’s worth it. What do you say?
