After today's game, AA's Big Matt and myself will attempt to do a After today's game, AA's Big Matt and myself will attempt to do a

Arrowhead Addict Post Game Show


After today’s game, AA’s Big Matt and myself will attempt to do a live post game show on Blog Talk Radio.

Big Matt and I have never use BTR before, and we are literally going to wing it. If it works out, it might actually be pretty cool. Chances are though, we’ll be bumbling around like a couple of idiots.

Either way you should listen. You can even call in and make fun of what a terrible job we’re doing.

The show is scheduled to start at 4 p.m. eastern, 3 p.m. central. Hopefully the game will be over by then. If it isn’t I’m not sure what we’ll do. We’ll probably cancel it. That or we will go live and provide irritation audio commentary for the end of the game. Who the hell knows? We’re going to wing it.

So join us after the game.