Well the Arrowhead Addict March Madness Challenge may not officially be over, but we already know who the winner is. Congrats to AA reader “Fear Itself” who has locked up bragging rights for being the KC Chiefs fan with the best hoops knowledge this year.
The less then predictable Final Four put a beating on everyone’s bracket. However, Fear Itself had enough of the upsets (8 of them to be exact) to total up enough points to ensure this year’s title with a current point total of 66.
After the break I’ll break down the results and how Fear Itself locked things up.
Well let’s start with how some of our staff have done. Double D is sitting on top of the other staff members who entered with 60 points which is currently good for 3rd place. Our head man Patrick Allen is the next staff member on the list with 56 points. Randy is sitting on 50 points overall. Then there are Victor, Big Matt, and myself. Let’s just say that regardless of what you think of our football knowledge, we clearly know football a little better then we do college hoops. Victor and I are sitting on 43 points and Big Matt is still sitting in last place with 36 points (only 30 points behind Fear Itself).
Now let’s focus on the positive. Along with Double D and our winner Fear Itself, reader “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” rounds out the current top three with 63 points (only three off the leader). Even though Double D and the abc’s are within a few points, they can’t pass Fear Itself because he’s the only one within striking distance that picked one of the Final Four teams to go to the Championship game (UConn). That means he’s the only one of the leaders who can rack up more points. In addition to predicting UConn’s run to the Final Four, Fear Itself also predicted Marquette making it to the Sweet 16. Not a single AA reader picked one of the current Final Four teams to win it all.
So once again, thanks to all the AA readers and staff members for the great turn out and one last congrats to Fear Itself. Please feel free to gloat Fear Itself, you’ve earned it.
Let’s just hope next offseason we are so busy talking about the Chiefs playoff success and great free agent moves that we don’t have time for a March Madness Challenge.
As always, thanks for reading and GO CHIEFS!!!!