I was busy catching up on so AA business on Monday so I didn’t have time to throw toge..."/> I was busy catching up on so AA business on Monday so I didn’t have time to throw toge..."/>

Chiefs Seven-Round Mock Draft


I was busy catching up on so AA business on Monday so I didn’t have time to throw together my weekly column. I still wanted to bust out a feature this week and I decided that what better way to make a splash then to enter the Mock Draft fray on Draft Thursday at Arrowhead Addict.

First, I want to just take a minute to thank Adam and Merlin for taking the lead on Draft Thursday. It was their idea (a fantastic one) and they are a big part of the reason we are bringing you such detailed draft coverage. Make sure you let those guys know how much you appreciate it because they have been working hard for weeks now.

Round 1, Pick #21: Mike Pouncey  (G/C ) Florida

You know how last year the Chiefs did not address some areas of need because they banked on some of their younger players developing? I thought for sure they would take an ILB at some point but instead, they put faith that Derrick Johnson and Jovan Belcher could get the job done. It was a risk but for the most part, it paid off.

The Chiefs didn’t take one of those chances with the center position. They went out and got Casey Weigmann, who was so old he was a risk in himself. That tells me that the Chiefs had absolutely no faith that Rudy Niswanger would ever become more than he already was.

With it unlikely that we will see a free agency before the draft, the need to fill the center position through the draft becomes urgent. Pouncey represents a lot of what Pioli values in an offensive lineman. He is versatile and can play both center and guard. He went up against the best competition in the country in the SEC and held his own. His brother was drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers last year. The result? His brother was a Pro Bowler and the Steelers went to the Super Bowl. By the way, he and his brother are twins. Same DNA ya’ll.

He has the size and speed to block at the second level. He is the kind of guy that can open up that hole for Jamaal Charles and then get that all important second block that could spring him for a score. At 6-5, 320, he’ll be able to deal with the 3-4 NT’s of teams like the Chargers.

Pouncey may not be a sexy pick but truth be told, there won’t be many sexy picks available at #21. Taking a receiver here will be a reach and I’m not sure KC will go for Phil Taylor (NT) here. If this kid is still on the board he is a no-brainer in my opinion. He also has pretty low bust potential and the Chiefs are not in a position where they can afford a first round bust.

Round 2, Pick #55: Torrey Smith (WR) Maryland

I am guessing there is going to be a run on WR’s in the second round and I could see Scott Pioli and the Chiefs jumping in on the action. The Chiefs are just horrible at WR after Dwayne Bowe and regardless of what they plan to do in free agency, they had better draft a WR this year. I could see Pioli waiting to try to pick up a value guy in the 3rd round because I expect him to target WR’s in free agency but if Smith is still on the board he would be a pretty smart pick.

Smith is fast and would provide a nice vertical threat opposite Dwayne Bowe. He gets off the line quick and shows good body control while making that catch, though he often lets the ball get to his body. The Chiefs would have to get him in the porta potty to work on catching the ball more with his hands.

I’m not wild about this pick but I think Smith could develop into a pretty good #2 receiver for the Chiefs. I’d almost rather have Jonathan Baldwin out of Pitt for his excellent size but he has some character issues that I am willing to bet Pioi will want to avoid.

The Chiefs just have to get some receiving help and if they wait until the 3rd round it might be too late. Torrey is a good prospect and could be gone before the Chiefs pick at #55. If he is there I think he’s worth it.

Round 3, Pick #86: Dontay Moch (OLB) Nevada

I think Moch would be a brilliant pick here. I don’t think OLB is as big a need for KC as some people think. I like what the Chiefs have in Sheffield and Studebaker but snagging Moch in the 3rd round of this draft would be an excellent pickup for the Chiefs. There really isn’t anyone else around for the Chiefs at 86. I nearly had them taking (DT) Jerrell Powe from Mississippi but I think they’ll be scared off by his apparent lack of smarts and recent poor season.

Moch would be a great compliment to Tamba Hali. He has nice speed and ran a 4.4 40-yard dash at the combine. He is 6-1, 245 pounds and racked up 64 tackles and 9 sacks playing DE. There was a hubbub at Moch’s junior pro day when he reportedly ran somewhere in the neighborhood of a 4.1-4.2 range in his 40-yard dash. He put up a 4.4 at the combine but there is no doubting that this kid is athletic. It might cause some team to reach for him in the second but he could also slide as low as the 4th. The 3rd would be a great time for the Chiefs to snatch him up. There is a lot of upside here.

Round 4, Pick #117: Tyler Sash (SS) Iowa

This is about the time in the draft that I would expect Pioli to make some sort of crazy pick nobody is expecting. After taking Eric Berry and Kendrick Lewis in last year’s draft it might surprise some folks if KC took a safety in 2011. If you look closer, however, the Chiefs are terribly thin at safety. After Berry and Lewis the Chiefs have pretty much nobody and the desperately need to infuse some talent at this position. Secondary play is going to continue to be a big part of what the Chiefs do on defense and if something were to happen to Berry or Lewis they’d be in trouble.

Sash is projecting to go around the 3rd or 4th round right now and he would represent incredible value for the Chiefs at 117. He demonstrates good instincts and has a nose for the ball, much like Kendrick Lewis. He could step in and push Lewis for the starting spot at FS and would also give the Chiefs depth at safety that they just didn’t have last year with a declining Jon McGraw.

Round 5, Pick #132: Greg McElroy, (QB) Alabama

We’ve talked about McElroy before so I won’t go into too much detail but this kid would be an excellent backup for the Chiefs. He doesn’t have a strong arm but he is accurate and takes care of the football. He’d be the perfect fit for a team like KC that doesn’t ask a ton of it’s QB. He’d be able to learn from Cassel who would likely be a willing teacher and who now has an excellent handle on the offense. Cassel also puts a premium on taking care of the football so he could help McElroy continue to make goo decisions when throwing.

Brodie Croyle has had his chance and there is no way I want to see Tyler Palko on the field in a game that means something.

Round 5, Pick #136: Roy Helu (RB) Nebraska

Did any of you see this kid run for over 300 yards against Missouri? I can’t quite figure out why he is being projected so low by many scouts but then again, I’m no scout.

Helu would be a nice pickup for KC in their last pick of the 5th round. He has decent speed and size and processes big play ability. He isn’t a big threat in the passing game and he has some injury/ball security issues which could be scaring some teams off. Still, Helu has a lot of potential and upside and the Chiefs would be drafting him to compliment Jamaal Charles, not carry the load. At 136 I think he’d be worth a look.

Round 7, Pick #212: Preston Dial (TE/FB) Alabama

It is back to the SEC for the final pick in my mock. Dial is pretty much average across the board as a blocker and a pass catcher. He had a good week at the Senior Bowl and since we know Pioli loves TE’s and blockers, he might take a chance on bridging this kid to camp. He is a likable kid and a solid leaders so the Chiefs might look at him as a developmental project as a blocking TE and special teams player.

Alright, there you have it. I took a crack at it. I am sure the usual mock draft bombardment of snooty, arrogant comments from nameless clowns is on the way but be warned that only thoughtful, respectful comments are accepted here. Those who misbehave will be ridiculed and shunned.

Looks as though I went heavy on offense here. We’ve got a C, WR, QB, RB and TE. On defense it was just an OLB and SS.

Missing is the obvious need at NT. I have a bad feeling another year will pass without the Chiefs getting a big man. Unless Phil Taylor falls on to Pioli’s lap in the 2nd round, I think the Chiefs forgo taking a NT for another year and seek help in free agency.

What do you think Addicts? How would you feel about this draft?