Saturday Night Week In Review

Saturday night here at Arrowhead Addict, so it’s time for part two of the week in review.  We have had lots of interesting things being reported, from Todd Haley’s quirky rhetoric in press conferences at the NFL scouting combine to bags of white powdery substances falling out of phantom jackets.  For fans of this site Chiefs news is like the mail, it never stops.  Now if I can just figure out who the hell Pepe Silvia is and get his mail to him (gold star for first person to respond correctly to where that reference came from).

We were relatively light in our 3pm EST posts this week.  Lyle gave plead his case to the Addicts in regards to bringing Le’Ron McClain to Kansas City, and Adam let us all know what he would be watching at the NFL Scouting Combine this year.  I just heard John Clayton on ESPN radio driving home from work saying that Cam Newton‘s stock went up during the combine, and I know the Chiefs have no interest or hopes of getting Newton, but the reason I bring it up is that he said something a little odd.  One of the things he commented on was Cam Newton‘s smile, and how that helped raise his stock…  Yeah, I knew there was a reason I never made it to the pro’s.  I just thought it had more to do with my general lack of physical prowess and athletic ability, but I have to admit I do not have a great smile.

So, short and sweet tonight Addicts.  The drudgery of the off season continues.  I watched what I thought was a pretty horrible movie the other night called “The Blind Side” and it got me to thinking about what my favorite football movie was.  There’s a lot off good iconic ones out there (“Remember the Titans,” “Rudy” etc.) but I think I would have to go with “The Water Boy.”  It’s silly and stupid, but every time I hear, “Joe Montana was a quarterback you crazy asshole!” I laugh my ass off.  So Addicts, what would you say is your favorite football flick?

Have a good night, I’m out!
