Well, the season may be over for the Kansas City Chiefs, but here at AA, we are still doing our best to bring you Addicts as much premium content as possible. After a completely gutwrenching (if not totally unexpected) loss on Sunday, I left Arrowhead cold, mad, and inebriated. Thank the lord that my brother found someone to use his extra ticket, and that that person was the DD (no relation to Double D). I may or may not have shouted some less than kind words to some Baltimore fans on the way out of the stadium, and they may or may not have let me know how little they appreciated my comments about their city and team, but its f***ing Arrowhead! Too bad Big Matt wasn’t there to help me out, we could’ve really made things interesting.
This week has mellowed my anger and disappointment, and we have had a great week’s worth of posts to help move forward. Big Matt came out with the first of a three part series grading the Chiefs offense, defense, and coaching staff, and Victor took on the task of living without the Chiefs for another off season. I dove into the entropy of the coaching staff changes and the case of media v Chiefs PR and decided that something about the whole situation stinks to me. Merlin used his magical insight to unravel a troubling question about the Chiefs, and finally, in perhaps my favorite post of the week so far Jeremy laid down exactly why Todd Haley can do whatever he wants in his Chief Concerns column. Good to have you back in full sir!
So there is lots to discuss here this week. Who do you think will be the Chiefs next offensive coordinator? Which side of the “Haley and Friends” debate are you siding with? Should Florida add a stipulation into Weis’ contract saying he can only order pizza over the phone? Who should the Chiefs be looking at in the upcoming draft? I think that’s enough to get you all started. It’s was a surprising season, and here at AA you all made it the best year the site has ever had. We will continue to deliver the goods day in and day out (mostly thanks to Patrick), so make sure to keep coming by to get your fix. You Addicts!