The New Arrowhead! We've  heard about it for quite some time! Last night my friend..."/> The New Arrowhead! We've  heard about it for quite some time! Last night my friend..."/>

Arrowhead Adventures! Green Bay Falls!


The New Arrowhead! We’ve  heard about it for quite some time! Last night my friend Jen and I finally were able to experience the stadium as well as my new seats! We were not disappointed!

The weather when we pulled up was miserable, Rainy, steamy, only the most dedicated tailgaters were out. Jen and our friend Steve along with his son tossed the ball around, while I took pictures and sat eating my cheese and crackers, huddled in my Gortex jacket and pants which I came very very close to leaving at home. The feeling of getting that part right is a security that can’t be described.  Laughing, we are all glad to be there.

While they continued the scrimmage, I found my personalized brick, along with about a hundred other searchers. I was very pleased with how it turned out as well as relieved to see my name spelled correctly.

The rain got worse, so Jen and I packed up the tailgate setup and excitedly headed to my new seats. The view took our breaths away when we finally sat down. No doubt many of you have been that close to the field. I had not. The players and the game action were so close I think we both felt someone was going to kick us out eventually. We poached the front row seats, briefly, but the legit ticket holders  showed up.  We smiled and apologized, and quickly began what would become a game long friendship.

Double D  sent  a text from the 45 yard line, but I was never able to get over and talk to him.

Our initial texts confirmed we were both impressed with Jackie Battle as well as the entire defense. I don’t remember being that excited about actual team performance in a long long time and it felt absolutely great.

Jen is a social animal ,and she quickly had our section excitedly commenting on the game developments with each other, Another development I hadn’t seen at Arrowhead for quite some time.

The last couple of posts I slapped up dealt with the unimportance of the final score, and the importance of focusing on actual team play. At the time I felt it was right on, and I still do.  That being said, its all BS, winning is a damn good feeling to have, even if it is just preseason.

The three hour drive home prompted us to leave at the end of the third quarter. Jens a big Packers fan, so she was disappointed to hear they lost, especially after last weeks performance against the Colts. I could not have been happier.  It was a great feeling for us both to see two teams play each other with such similar histories in that they are both smaller venues ,  and still playing in the same stadiums, before the same loyal fans, in the same location for so many adventure filled NFL seasons.

I have always felt Packer fans are some of the leagues friendliest. This game strengthened that position as did the 2007 match up.

For those going to the Monday night game in two weeks, I will say I expect you to be very very pleased with the stadium improvements. I think you will see an improvement in fan optimism as well, I certainly did last night.

I’m excited about quite a few things this year AA’ers. My new seats are going to allow our site to bring you exclusive photos and insights of the games, that you simply will not be able to see anywhere else. While I like preseason games in general, I like regular season games much better. Its appears the preseason game as we no it might not be around much longer, and that’s exciting new for me as well. The defense really appears to be coming together, as is the running game. I think we have the best pair of kickers in the league.  Bowe seems to be getting the message. My close proximity to the players and the coaching staff revealed a player respect for management and coaching staff that I feel has also been absent from Arrowhead since Dick V. packed his bags.

The 2010 season is underway gang! I couldn’t be  happier with the way things are looking! Keep it tuned to AA, I will see you next week!