On the eve of the new season I must admit that I feel different.  Usually, I am rather o..."/> On the eve of the new season I must admit that I feel different.  Usually, I am rather o..."/>

My Chief Concerns: Self Preservation Tactic Of A True Homer


On the eve of the new season I must admit that I feel different.  Usually, I am rather overjoyed, excited, and full of hope as the new season begins.  I am a homer, through and through.  In all honesty it is that way every single year, but not this year.

This year I have reservations.  It stems from the fact that the last few years have been emotionally draining for me.  As some of you know, last year, while in the deepest darkest throes of losing, I still kept my cool, still kept my optimism, but it was very, very difficult.  (Double D and Randy can attest).  It was hard to find the optimistic words needed to write a blog about the Chiefs on Monday after losing what seemed like every game on Sunday.  The last thing I wanted to do was have our die hard Chiefs fans that have already been battered and bruised over the weekend, come to Arrowhead Addict and read even more negative stuff.   I still don’t like writing negative stuff and I am not trying to be negative.  I just have my reservations.

more after the jump…

We still are not winning in the preseason (we have debated the importance of this fact ad nauseam).  We still cannot seem to stop the run (Michael Turner cut through us like cake).  We still cannot complete the long ball (Cassel has a measly 3.6 yards per pass attempt average [23 for 83 yards]), and our offensive line still is not looking that great (we failed on a couple of 4 and 1 attempts this preseason).  Do I think the sky is falling?  No, but I am not letting my expectations rise to a point that should they fall, it would hurt a hell of a lot.

We do have some positives, Jamaal Charles, Thomas Jones, Eric Berry, Andy Studebaker, Brandon Flowers, Dwayne Bowe, our special teams appear to be much improved, but I am tempering my expectations this year.

I am in essence lowering my expectations so that I can get through the season without blowing a gasket, without losing my mind, and without having a stroke.  I am serious.  I yelled so loud a couple of times during last season that I think I literally gave my self a stroke.  It felt like it anyway, I had a terrible headache the rest of the day.  I would mope around all Sunday and the next week.  It was pathetic.   Is that healthy?  Hell no it is not, but I am not afraid to admit it.  It is hard being a Homer.

So this year, I am not expecting to make the playoffs, I am not expecting to even get to .500.  I just want a respectable season, with respectable scores.  I do not want the Chiefs to be at the bottom of the league in everything.  I would like to have a draft pick that is at least double digits.  I want top get the respect back that we once had.  I want the Chiefs to compete.  I want to win more than six games, and I know you do too.  So if you hear a different tone in my writing you will know why.  It is the self preservation of a true homer.