Arrowhead Addict Fantasy Football Update
The invites have been sent out.
Those who took too long to accept their invites will be replaced. Everyone who requested an invitation received one and it was up to you to accept it in a reasonable amount of time.I just sent out the last set of invites to the waiting list. Because I love you guys, I made leagues 3 and 4 twelve team leagues to accommodate the last 4 waiting list guys. Please accept your invitations.
We will be doing live, online drafts in August. You are expected to be there for the draft. You are also expected to be active in the league for the duration of the season. FF sucks when people who end up with crappy teams bail in the middle of the season. Also, I’ve played enough FF to know that a poor start doesn’t always mean a poor finish. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have joined public leagues where people bailed only to see the “ghost team” make the playoffs. Man up an honor your commitments or you will be banned from AA fantasy in the future.
The Draft:
These are set in stone. Clear your schedule. We don’t want to all be sitting around waiting for your auto pick.
Arrowhead Addict: (league 1) Sunday, August 15th at 9 PM (EST)-10 team snake. Order is random.
AA League 2: Sunday, August 8th at 9:15 PM (EST)-10 team snake. Order is random.
AA League 3: Monday, August 9th at 9 PM (EST)-12 team snake. Order is random.
AA League 4: Tuesday, August 10th at 9 PM (EST)- 12 team snake. Order is random.