Brandon Carr Is Putting In The Work

Every morning when I check in to the office I pull up AA and Twitter so I can keep up with the days KC Chiefs news and keep you all informed. I follow a number of Kansas City and national sports sources on Twitter so that I never miss a step. I also follow a number of the Chiefs players.

I saw something this morning that made me pretty happy. The following is a tweet from Chiefs CB Brandon Car:

"BCarr39Too busy to work out during the day but it had to get done. 2 more days!!!!!!!!!"

This tells us 2 things.

1. Carr is excited for training camp. This is a good thing because for the most part, players hate training camp. It isn’t fun for them. It is nice to see Carr excited about playing football.

2. Carr is putting in the work. His tweet came roughly 7 hour ago when I saw it at 8:30 AM (EST). That means if Carr is in KC, he was out running somewhere between midnight and one in the morning. Heck, even if he is in California he was out after 10:00 PM.

It would have been easy for Carr to just call it a night and workout the next day. Hopefully his work and dedication will pay off this season. Carr is entering his 3rd year which is usually a prime time for young players to make a significant leap forward. Here’s hoping.
