We've renamed our Morning Fix segment today to reflect the freed..."/>

We've renamed our Morning Fix segment today to reflect the freed..."/>

We've renamed our Morning Fix segment today to reflect the freed..."/>

The Freedom Fix


We’ve renamed our Morning Fix segment today to reflect the freedom we all share living in the best damn country in the world. In the spirit of America, I am doing this post while drinking an ice cold beer and prepping my grilling materials.

Living in NYC, I won’t be shooting off any bottle rockets for fear of burning down the whole city and spending the 2010 football season in prison. Since I can’t blow anything up today, you will have to do it for me. Just be careful. Let the least drunk person lite the fuse or you could end up like this guy:

Or this moron:

In fact, if you are going to be drinking, better to let the sober folks handle it:

We’ve been bringing you this series by Bob Gretz so I had to include it today. Must read.

"Hopefully you are enjoying the Fourth of July weekend. Once the smoke and noise clears from the fireworks the ticking clock of NFL training camps will be even louder.The evaluation of the 81 players that the Chiefs continues today as we get to the top-half of the roster with the middle 20 players and what they have and can provide the team.As we’ve noted throughout this series, each player with NFL experience has been given an arrow up and an arrow down. Those going up are ascending players or guys that have potential to make great improvement. Those with arrows headed down are descending players."

The Chiefs: 81 thru 1/Part #3 … Sunday Cup O’Chiefs-BobGretz.com

God Bless America and God Bless the Kansas City Chiefs Cheerleaders!

And finally, do America Arrowhead style!

Happy 4th of July everyone! Enjoy your day and your freedom!