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Page Requests A Trade


After keeping quiet through most of the offseason, Chiefs safety Jarrad Page, through his representation, has formally requested that the Chiefs trade him.

Incidentally, the Chiefs formally requested, through a 2nd round tender offer, that Page shut the F up and come to work.

Look, Page is a pretty good player or at least his stats would indicate as such. However, his best season statistically was 2008 and the Chiefs defense sucked in 2008. I am not saying it was all Page’s fault but I seem to remember Philip Rivers passing all over our secondary for a ridiculous comeback win. I don’t ever remember Page being a difference maker.

Page doesn’t have high trade value right now. If the Chiefs can’t get anything really good for him I think they should just tell him to shove it and enjoy his time off. Pioli needs to send a message that the players have to play by the rules and that they can’t just throw a temper tantrum anytime they don’t get what they want.

There is no way the Chiefs should give Page a long term contract right now. He played 5 games in the 3-4 defense and the Chiefs don’t really know jack about how he will work out because he spent most of last season on IR.

The best thing for Page would be to come to work, earn a starting spot and play really well. If he does that, he will be a high value free agent next offseason and if he wants to leave KC, he can.

If I were the Chiefs I would sniff around Detroit and see if Gunther will convince them to give up a 3rd rounder for Page. If they say no, let him sit at home. Beats releasing him and having to play him later in the season ala Bernard Pollard.

What do you think Addicts? What should the Chiefs do with Page?