Mitt Romney dresses up as Travis Kelce for Halloween

Even his wife got into the act while dressed up as Taylor Swift.
Sen. Mitt Romney, (R-UT) announces his intention to not run for reelection. Romney, who is 76,
Sen. Mitt Romney, (R-UT) announces his intention to not run for reelection. Romney, who is 76, / Josh Morgan / USA TODAY NETWORK

If you want to some cultural gauge of just how much Travis Kelce's popularity has skyrocketed in the last 12 months—even the last two months, really—just take a look at the Romney family at Halloween. That's because Mitt and Ann Romney decided to dress up as Kelce and Taylor Swift for the holiday.

In a post on Instagram, the Romneys sported their holiday costumes as Kelce and Swift with a message that said, "It's a love story, baby, just say yes!”

Yeah, that's a popular Mormon politician from Utah deciding on his attire for Halloween to be Kelce of all persons or characters available to him. Gotta be pretty crazy if you're Kelce himself wondering how he got here.

As for the costume itself, the laziest among us should give points to Mitt for the approach. All he had to do was grab a jersey—maybe he already had one of Kelce's in his closet— and put it over some long-sleeved shirt and jeans and he's ready. At least Ann went through some actual effort to be Swift.

Is this a good thing? That's up to a person's own political leanings, but it could be termed a conservative line to believe that you have to fight for your right to party. That feels a bit bootstraps-y to me.

Anyway, here's to Chiefs Kingdom's reach, which has never been wider than ever, and to lazily effective costumes.
