Offensive Youth
The amount of youth on the offensive side is incredible. Of those on the current roster Albert Wilson is the oldest receiver at 25 years old. In 2020, Mitchell Schwartz will be the only offensive lineman over 30 of those on the current roster.
If we remove C.J. Spiller from the roster, Charcandrick West is the oldest running back at the age of 26. Travis Kelce is only 27, which means his best years are still in front of him. That is a scary thought for defenses across the league.
Primarily each and every piece of the offense has yet to reach its prime. Granted that a number of those on today’s roster won’t be calling Kansas City home their whole career, it just doesn’t work that way. But what Kansas City does have is a core group that will be learning together, growing together, and winning together. For years and years to come.
Defensive Youth
The future concerns of the Chiefs defense are more abundant when looking at the current roster. As I write this, I believe we all would agree an extra defensive back or two worth their salt would be nice. Or perhaps a middle linebacker in waiting once Derrick Johnson retires.
Allen Bailey is your senior on the defensive line at the age of 28. Bennie Logan is 27. The rest of the depth at this position are mere babies, including Chris Jones at 23.
The linebacker group is a bit more aged than the rest of the team, but it’s still very young. Justin Houston is only 28, which surprised even me when breaking everything down. He’s still young.
Our defensive backs are young as well. Ron Parker is the oldest at 30 years old. Eric Berry is 28 and Marcus Peters is 24. The rest of this group is as young if not younger. They are also much less talented than the aforementioned.