1. Eric Berry
This is a slam dunk. In very few cases would I ever advocate handing over a blank check and telling the player to fill it out, but this is one of those times.
We don’t have to get too analytical here. Berry is one of the best players in football and easily the best safety in the game today. He’s been named to five Pro Bowls throughout his career and the first-team All-Pro unit each of the past two seasons after beating cancer. he’s the heart and soul of a team that desperately needs that kind of leadership, considering Andy Reid is more of a player’s coach.
Without Berry, the Chiefs would be in major trouble. He’s 28 years old and deserved to be made the highest-paid safety in NFL history. This deal will probably end up being somewhere around five years and $60 million, with half of it guaranteed. Look for the Chiefs to apply the franchise tag initially, and then sign him after a contentious spring. It’s just the way these things go.