Around the NFL in 32 plays

Is this the team that gets Andy Reid over the Super Bowl hump? Mandatory Credit: John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports
Is this the team that gets Andy Reid over the Super Bowl hump? Mandatory Credit: John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports /
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It’ll be tough sledding if the Bills don’t have Watkins for the start of the season. Mandatory Credit: Timothy T. Ludwig-USA TODAY Sports
It’ll be tough sledding if the Bills don’t have Watkins for the start of the season. Mandatory Credit: Timothy T. Ludwig-USA TODAY Sports /

Buffalo Bills: The Buffalo Tigers/Clemson Bills had a rough week as rookie linebacker Shaq Lawson underwent shoulder surgery that will keep him out four to six months.  It was also revealed that wide receiver Sammy Watkins had foot surgery about a month ago, and his current status for the start of the season is unknown.

Carolina Panthers: The Panthers cut a pair of veteran corners in Brandon Boykin and Ras-I Dowling this week.  It is still unclear how the team will replace the departed Josh Norman, but they drafted three corners this year, so this may be a sign that one of them has looked good early on.

  • Chiefs’ Take: There was a lot of chatter from Chiefs fans about going after Brandon Boykin earlier this offseason.  I said “no” to it then, and am even more sure on that stance now.  Apart from the Chiefs drafting three corners, there is clearly something going on with Boykin that he hasn’t been able to stick around with any team since his strong debut.

Cincinnati Bengals: The Bengals signed safety Shawn Williams to a four year contract extension.

Mark Sanchez won’t be the starter for the start of offseason practices…but he might not have been anyways. Mandatory Credit: Jim O
Mark Sanchez won’t be the starter for the start of offseason practices…but he might not have been anyways. Mandatory Credit: Jim O /

Denver Broncos: Broncos quarterback Mark Sanchez suffered an injury to his non-throwing hand in the weight room and will miss the start of OTAs.  This means rookie Paxton Lynch will unquestionably start the offseason program as the team’s starter…though that very well could have been the case anyways.

  • Author’s Take: I don’t know that you can call this good or bad.  Certainly no sane Broncos fan (sic) would want Mark Sanchez to be the starter, but going with a rookie is even more uncertain (not necessarily worse, just uncertain).  But it may have also been the plan the whole time.

Next: Injuries to stars...