Podcast: Chiefs vs. Texans preview


On this episode of Roughing the Kicker, Joshua Brisco previews the Kansas City Chiefs’ upcoming playoff game against the Houston Texans, discusses why the Chiefs should be considered AFC favorites and the insecurity of Chiefs fans.

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The Chiefs’ playoff victory drought is older than I am. I’m a little bit afraid to be too optimistic, and I’m certainly never optimistic without good reason anymore. The Chiefs in the playoffs has been a recipe for disaster for so long that I will look for every single opportunity to take the pessimistic route because being hopeful and wrong has become far too common.

Well, I think the optimism is justified this weekend. In my search to talk myself out of believing, I failed to find a reason. What do the Texans do well enough to throw off the momentum that the Chiefs have? J.J. Watt is a man, but he’s only one man – and Andy Reid accounted for him without much trouble back in week one. Plus, the Kansas City offense has only improved in the meantime, with nearly every aspect taking major strides through the last ten victorious weeks. The defense has been fantastic and is getting healthier.

But why do we yearn for pessimism? Because we’re used to it. And that can all begin to change on Saturday.

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Roughing the Kicker is a Kansas City Chiefs podcast on Arrowhead Addict Radio.
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