The Chiefs problems Pt 1: The Offense

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The Playmakers

This is where some folks are really going to get angry.  “How can you blame so and so?!”  Simple, because they aren’t without fault.  Whether it is convenient or not, popular or not, doesn’t matter to me.  I’m here to let you know who needs to do better.  And when the answer is “everybody”, then I’m going to tell you why everybody needs to do better.

Jamaal Charles is the heart and soul of the Chiefs offense, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t made his share of mistakes. Mandatory Credit: Denny Medley-USA TODAY Sports

I’ll start at the top with Jamaal Charles.  Charles is my favorite Chief, and I don’t believe the team can replace him at all.  As JC goes, so go the Chiefs.  And that was never more evident than in Week 2 against the Broncos when Jamaal Charles really set the tone by fumbling on a redzone drive, and then again later on what would be the play that sealed the game.  We’re talking a 10 point swing here, all on Jamaal Charles fumbles.  When you are the heart and soul of a team, the way Charles is for the Chiefs, you can’t have games like that.  Of course, apart from that one game, there is pretty much nothing negative to say about him.

Jeremy Maclin could be setting records for the Chiefs.  However, he is also dropping some crucial passes.  None more painful than last week when he bobbled a catch that could have placed the Chiefs in Field Goal range for the win.  Maclin needs to be coming through with these crucial plays.  It’s why we brought him in.  Being a 1000 yard receiver is nice and all, but if those yards aren’t coming when we need them most, it’s all for nothing.

Unfortunately, Maclin has been about as good as it gets for our wide receivers.  Albert Wilson has been a huge disappointment thus far.  Chris Conley has shown off his physical talent, but has also been showing off all the question marks people had about him as a prospect.  Catch the ball, son.  Jason Avant hasn’t played poorly, but you simply don’t expect much from him.  And De’Anthony Thomas is going to be a wasted pick if the Chiefs can’t figure out how to get the ball to him in space (hint: it can’t always be on a gadget play).

What happened to the Travis Kelce we saw in Week 1? Mandatory Credit: Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports

Travis Kelce was expected to be one of the most dominant players on the field this year.  Now, as far as him not catching passes, I’m willing to spread that blame around to the quarterbacks and coaches.  Get him the ball.  However, I will point out that Kelce has been a complete liability as a blocker this year.  He is whiffing and being bullied by opposing linebackers and it has to stop.  Kelce needs to become a complete tight end, and not one of these “I’m really just a receiver” guys like Jimmy Graham.

However, Kelce is a complete superstar when compared to the rest of the group.  Demetrius Harris has completely disappeared and James O’Shaughnessy is clearly a couple years away from being an effective NFL player.  The Chiefs are clearly feeling the loss of Anthony Fasano…and they shouldn’t be.  If anything, given the problems of the offensive line, the tight ends should be our absolute heroes right now.  They should be the guys getting the ball on quick patterns, but it isn’t happening.

Next: Big changes will be needed