Yesterday we explored the first half of my list called, The 13 Grooviest Moves of John Dorsey but, we only had space to make it through move #8. Here then, is the rest of the list, 7-1.
If you didn’t get a chance to read part one go here. Also, part of the inspiration for this piece is to connect the current crew to the 1969 bunch who won Super Bowl IV and to take a look at what life was like in 1969 when our boys came home with the World Championship. Maybe you didn’t know that Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash recorded an album together that year. That’s because it was never released.
However, 1969 was a transcendent year for other reasons. So many things happened then that define us today (see part one). Some other 1969 events include:
+ That same year the USSR began nuclear testing.
+ Probably because the US had already done the same thing in Nevada only days earlier.
+ Jackson Five first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show.
+ Muhammad Ali was convicted of refusing induction into the Army.
I remember it all.
So, let’s move on and find out what my top 7 grooviest moves of John Dorsey have been over the past three years. Oh yea… and before we proceed, make sure not to miss the last video, created by moi, called, “The 13 Grooviest Moves of John Dorsey (in action).” Enjoy.
Re-structuring Tamba Hali
Very few athletes, in any era, have done what Tamba Hali has done this offseason: restructure his deal so that he makes Millions less. It’s something that Tim Duncan has done. Dirk Nowitzki has done it. Can you name anyone else? Duncan and Nowitzki did this so that their teams could sign extra players and perhaps win another championship before their careers came to a close. Hali has presumably done the same… however, Hali has yet to win a title. Like many, we’ve expected Hali’s sacrifice would be so the team could sign their own biggest free agent ever: Justin Houston. Almost every team official has said a deal will get done. We’re hoping for that and I’m sure Tamba Hali is as well.
Grooviest Move Song Dedication: San Francisco (Scott McKenzie)- in honor of the site of the next Super Bowl
Next: What was John Dorsey's fastest decision?