“You can’t do something to a 4-year old that you’re not allowed to do to an NFL lineman in a helmet and pads.”
“How crazy is this: A company that sells alcohol is the moral touchstone of the NFL. Alcohol. Maybe one of the only substances that is prooven scientifically to increase the likelihood of domestic abuse. That company is saying to the NFL, ‘Uh, you guys got a real problem here.'”
Those are some of the many lines Jon Stewart had on his take down of the NFL and their recent handling of domestic abuse allegations by their players.
Over the last few weeks the NFL has had to deal with the mishandling of several domestic abuse cases that has included some of their biggest stars. Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was booked for abusing his child with a stick and has been placed on the NFL’s exempt list. Arizona Cardinals running back Jonathan Dwyer was charged with assaulting his wife and child. And Ray Rice was recently banned and cut by the Baltimore Ravens for knocking out his wife in an elevator.
All of this, Stewart says, must have the NFL longing for the days when the biggest ‘distraction’ was Michael Sam’s sexual preference.
Here’s the video of Stewart’s take down. Warning: The language in this video may not be safe for your workplace.
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