Kacie McDonnell, the girlfriend of Chiefs backup quarterback Aaron Murray, is leaving her job at FOX 29 in Philadelphia for a job with Kansas City’s NBC affiliate 41 Action News. She announced this decision today over twitter and with a long statement.
Thank you, Fox 29. THANK YOU, PHILADELPHIA! Kacie’s going to KC. But I am & will always be a Philly girl! pic.twitter.com/i4DadrwQX5
— Kacie McDonnell Hosmer (@KacieMcDonnell) August 15, 2014
"“Aaron and I have talked a lot about being together in the same city. And we both know that is going to happen down the road. So I’ve asked my bosses here at Fox 29 if I can move that timetable up. They have been so gracious about my personal happiness and have granted my request.”"
Here’s the rest of the statement:
I suppose this means the Instagram and Twitter of activity featuring pictures of her with Murray is going to increase. This should be interesting.
There is no word on when Kacie will start her job at Action News. One would think it would be sometime in September but you never know with these things. TMZ is already speculating Murray plans to propose soon, to which I say ‘duh.’ Early congrats to the couple.