Breaking Down The Kansas City Chiefs Draft Picks

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Laurent Duvernay-Tardif – OT – McGill – 6’5″ – 298 lbs – 4.94 forty – 33 bench

The Chiefs doubled down on offensive linemen in the sixth round by following up their selection of Fulton with taking Canadian offensive tackle Laurent Duvernay-Tardif.

The Pros:

I’ll admit that I knew absolutely nothing about Duvernay-Tardif when the Chiefs selected him. However, once I began to read up on him I quickly became a fan of the pick. He has great size, strength, and athleticism. He plays with a nasty attitude that is desirable in offensive linemen and he is incredibly smart. He’s actually in the process of finishing medical school. Every scouting report on him talks about his immense upside. While he’s no sure thing, a late 6th round pick that most experts agree has the upside to be a great NFL player (if he pans out) is about all you can ask for.

The Cons:

The only real con with Duvernay-Tardif (and it’s a big one) is that he’s completely unproven and raw. His competition has been almost non existent and he hasn’t received the caliber of coaching that most major college players have. While this makes him a higher bust possibility than Fulton, it also means he has a higher upside. He’ll likely be less ready to contribute as a rookie than Fulton.

Final Thoughts:

I really like this pick. Any time you can get someone in the late 6th round that many believe has the upside to be a good NFL starter it’s a definite win. Is Duvernay-Tardif a sure thing? Definitely not, but there is enough raw potential here to be excited about. I really like the combination of the two 6th round picks. One is a safe and proven contributor and the other is a raw talent with upside. I’m not sure there was anyone available in the late 6th that has as much upside as Duvernay-Tardif.

Overall, my initial impression of this draft class is very positive. There isn’t a single pick where I dislike the player that they took. Would I have drafted a WR? Yes. Would I have drafted a safety? Probably, but I really can’t argue that any of the picks that they made were a mistake. If they end up with a premiere pass rusher, a starting CB, a slot WR/return specialist, a developmental QB, and at least one contributor on the offensive line that’s a fantastic draft. Nothing is ever for sure in the NFL, but on paper it looks good. They added a lot of speed in Ford, Gaines, and Thomas and they also set themselves up for the future in case they must part ways with Tamba Hali and Brandon Flowers.

I’m very happy with this draft class and their upside, but how about you Addicts? Were there any picks that you were completely upset with? Any picks that you especially love? Was your gut reaction to this draft class positive or negative? As you’ve learned more about these prospects has it shifted your thinking at all? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

As always, thanks for reading and GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!

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