Top Ten: Football Movies of All Time

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And the Number 1 Football movie of all time is….. Remember the Titans

Hands down at the top or near the top of everyone’s greatest football movie list. Remember the Titans is based on the true story of the first integrated black and white high school football team. The movie is great because it shows the struggles that the team had to face not only on the field but off the field as well. It was a tough choice but if you ask people what their favorite football movie is Remember the Titans ranks right up there.

A big shout out to:
Matt Carlson, Mitch Roush, John Baker, John W. Baker, Anthony Charlton, and Eric J Eckert for all the help!

Now its your turn Addicts. What are some of your favorite football movies? Was there anything on this list that you felt should have been there?

Sound off below!