Kansas City Chiefs On The Air: A Fan’s Experience

Charles LeClaire-USA TODAY Sports

For myself and my fellow Kansas City Chief fans across the nation, listening to Mitch Holthus and Chiefs hall of fame quarterback Len Dawson on the radio is the closest we will get to the feeling of sitting in the stands at Arrowhead cheering with the thousands in attendance.

While listening to the game does not compare to the feeling you get when you are surrounded by fans at Arrowhead, it still makes the listener feel they are right there part of the action. Mitch and Len on the radio makes me think of standing with people around the grill, burgers and BBQ filling the air with a heavenly aroma and enjoying the company of friends.

The best part of listening to Mitch and Len is the passion they bring to it. While commentators on the major networks are decent, for the most part, nothing compares to hearing Mitch yell, “Touchdown Kansas City”. They also share the disappointments with fans as well. Usually when something bad happens on the field Len will be the first to say what went wrong and what they need to do to correct the error and Mitch will agree. The chemistry that they have in the booth is what makes listening to the game on the radio worth it. I have great memories of heading back to college on Sunday to Nebraska with the windows down and the radio blasting my Chiefs all throughout the 4 hour drive back to college. We cheer with them, we groan with them and we love our Chiefs with them, and that is what makes listening to them on the radio worth it.

So for the Chiefs fan who is away from the coverage area for all things Chiefs, the radio is not only a great substitute for watching the game, but also allows one to feel like they are part of the action. So if the game is not on TV, fire up the grill, crank that radio to eleven and cheer on our Kansas City Chiefs.

Do you listen to the Chiefs on the radio? Sound off on your experience below. 
