Kid Mows Ryan Lilja’s Lawn For Football Camp Appearance
John Rieger-USA TODAY Sports
Kansas City Chiefs fans are nothing if not resourceful.
A recent report by Fox 4 KC details how Sam Welch, a sophomore at Maranatha Academy, struck a deal with former Chiefs OL Ryan Lilja. Welch offered to mow Lilja’s lawn, if Lilja would make an appearance at a football camp.
Check out the video below and notice that Lilja is sporting a Chiefs hat.
Speaking of Lilja, there have been reports floating around this summer that the Chiefs are trying to lure the former guard out of retirement.
I don’t know if any of you watch Fox 4 but they supposedly asked Lilja about whether or not he was going to stay retired on last night’s broadcast. We haven’t een able to find anything about what he said yet but I imagine if he said anything earth-shattering, we’d of heard it by now. My guess is that Lilja either said that he is stayign retired or avoided the question.
Lilja is running out of time if he really does want to come back and play another season. As a veteran, he might not want to go to training camp but considering the Chiefs have a totally new offensive system in place, Lilja would need some practice time before just jumping back into the game.
We will keep an eye out to see if any more news on this front develops. What do you think, Addicts? Should Lilja come to camp?