Like the phases of the moon, Kansas City Chiefs fans shine bright at times. At times we fade to almost nothing. But we never quite go away. And with the reliability of that good old moon, we always come back with our former glory.
And so we find ourselves these days with a fresh new crew to lead us into the next decade.
I am as guilty as the next fan, I guess.
Most of last season my red and gold Kansas City Chiefs workout suit stayed in the drawer.
My St. Louis Cardinals workout wear took over.
But my workout suits and I knew it would be only for a short time.
They remembered the drawer from the end of the Dick Vermeil/Carl Peterson era.
And they were just as happy to see the daylight as they were when Pioli and Edwards took the helm.
And my Kansas City Chiefs workout suit is seeing good old daylight once again.
But this trend goes far beyond workout wear.
My phone is popping with texts from my Kansas City Chiefs buddies, eager to be the first to spread the latest, almost unbearably exciting news.
And of course my mind wanders to different but familiar places once again.
A sunny warm day in September, when the music at Arrowhead is loud and pumping again.
The smells of every king of grilling you can imagine pleasure our noses through the open windows of the good old Kansas City Chiefs bus I happily dance around in.
And I imagine myself closing my eyes as I sit in my little seat at Arrowhead one hour before game time. My little seat that only I can sit in. And watching in my mind forty years of the best game and players the NFL ever produced battling in the greatest NFL stadium in the world, just three feet from where I sit.
I imagine my self sitting in my seat in Arrowhead and watching the players and the coaches and the cheerleaders, and knowing in my heart that on that day, if the coaches are in the game, if the players are in the right frame of mind…
No team on earth can beat us.
Not in our house.
Not in the greatest NFL stadium in the world.
In eight short months our new team will be back in action.
But until then sit back and watch one of the most exciting off season we, as Chiefs fans, have experienced in years.
Back we are!
Look out NFL.