The Matt Cassel Era Is Over: Crennel Names Brady Quinn Starter



The Matt Cassel era in Kansas City is officially over.

The Brady Quinn era has begun.

Chiefs head coach Romeo Crennel announced today that Brady Quinn will permanently take over the starting QB role in KC. The coach added that he did not want Quinn looking over his shoulder, promising that there would be no quick move back to Cassel.

Crennel told reporters today that he needed to get the team’s attention and change the dynamic. Making Quinn the starter will certainly do that. Whether or not there will be a difference in the win/loss column remains to be seen.

This move is a clear indication that the Chiefs are finally admitting that the Matt Cassel experiment failed. Whether or not Quinn will lead the team to more victories remains to be seen but it sends a message to fans that the organization won’t just keep sending the same product out on the field every week, even when that product is failing to produce.

The really good news for Chiefs fans is that, unless Quinn starts playing out of his mind, the Kansas City Chiefs will now be in the market for a QB in this year’s Draft.