Josh Looney, Kent Babb Leaving Chiefs Media


In the last 24 hours, Kansas City Chiefs fans have lost some familiar media faces.

Both Kent Babb of the Kansas City Star and Josh Looney of are moving on.

Looney, who, since he works for the Chiefs, isn’t traditional media per-se, is leaving for an opportunity to cover the NCAA.

Looney has been a familiar face, delivering info for the team for a while now. He hosts a couple of shows live on and has pretty much been the face of the organization, especially on, since Pioli arrived. Josh would often relay official team news via Twitter and he also serves as a sideline corespondent during the preseason games.

I’ve always found Josh quite pleasant and he will certainly be missed.

Babb is a different sort of story. He was just recently promoted by the Star but yesterday announced that he was offered a role at the Washington Post. He will continue writing for The Star until September 21.

Babb is perhaps most well-known for his “Arrowhead Anxiety” story that made serious waves earlier this offseason. I’ve no doubt that the Washington Post took notice.

While this isn’t directly Chiefs news, it does mean some of the faces bringing you Chiefs news will be changing, so I thought it worth mentioning. Don’t worry, though. Nobody will be offering the hack that runs this website a better gig any time soon, so you’ll continue to get your fix.

Congrats to Babb and Looney and best of luck to them from AA.