Chiefs vs. Cardinals: Weather For Tonight’s Game


The Kansas City Chiefs kick off their preseason campaign tonight against the Arizona Cardinals. The two teams practiced together earlier this week and now they will square off for real.

I decided to check in on the weather report to see if our boys can expect any bad weather. I, for one, don’t want Jamaal Charles making cuts on a wet field in a meaningless preseason game.

I’m thankful for the clear conditions. Preseason is all about getting in some extra practice before the games count. While it certainly doesn’t hurt to get some work in nasty weather, I’d rather the new-look KC offense have favorable conditions for finding their rhythm. Here’s hoping they are able to do that.

The news is good.

According to, the conditions at kickoff will be perfect for football. It is projected to be 79 degrees (and feel like 79 degrees) with winds out of the northeast at 8 mph.

If you are heading out to the game, it should be a pleasant night with temperatures expected to stay above 72 for the duration of the game. Winds will drop down to about 4 mph so it shouldn’t get too chilly unless you’re up in the cheap seats.