On the Chiefs And Andrew Luck

The Kansas City Chiefs will square off against the Minnesota Vikings Sunday in what some are dubbing the “Suck for Luck Bowl.”

I’ve been hesitant to join the Suck for Luck party. I understand why some fans are on board. I’m not going to knock them for it. There is nothing wrong with wanting what is best for your team and if you think what is best for the Chiefs is losing to win, I can understand that. It is your right, as a fan, to cheer for the Kansas City Chiefs in any manner you choose. Even if you choose to cheer for them to lose.

There is nothing worse, in my opinion, than the condescending fan. They guy who tells you aren’t cheering for the team right. The guy who questions your devotion to the team. Those folks are the worst kind of fans. If someone out there still thinks Matt Cassel is the second coming of Tom Brady, good for him. I may disagree, I may debate him on it, but I won’t tell him he’s an idiot or not a true fan. The same goes for the folks that think Cassel is a bum and call for Ricky Stanzi or Tyler Palko every Sunday. It’s their team as much as mine.

I’m not going to hop aboard Suck for Luck bandwagon just yet. I think the Chiefs probably need a QB but not at the expense of the 2011 season. I am content to let things play out as fate intended. I always want what is best for the Chiefs and what will always be best for the Chiefs is a win on Sunday. If KC continues to lose and ends up with Andrew Luck, I’ll be happy about it but only because I will have been miserable most every Sunday during the 2011 season.

Now if the Chiefs go 1-14 and they are playing the last game of the season and a loss means they have the first pick in the draft, I might change my tune a bit.

Until that day comes, however, I’m rooting for the Chiefs to win every week.
