Arrowhead Addict March Madness Update

Well Chiefs fans I am very proud to report that despite it being the offseason we have had a very good turn out for our first ever AA March Madness Challenge. We had 35 AA readers and staff members sign up with 33 actually filling out brackets. Given the current state of football, its nice for us football fans to have something else to help pass the time.

Some of you have even proved to be pretty smart hoops fans (or more likely, just lucky). After the break we’ll see who’s leading the pack so far and who should probably just stick to talking football.

There are currently four people tied for first place with 49 points. Those four are Chief Hokie, Sweet Sweet Libby, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, and AA’s very own Patrick Allen. Of those four, the abc’s will have the hardest time staying at the top because their pick to win it all (Pitt.) was already knocked out. Hokie and Libby both have KU winning it all while Paddy has Ohio State.

While those four are currently leading the pack, their lead is far from safe. There are 11 other AA members within 5 points of the leaders.

Then there are those, like myself, that have shown that there is a reason we are on a football blog. I am one of 9 AA members that have yet to break 40 points and at this point have little to no shot at winning. The only solace I can find is that my 37 points is still 7 ponts more then the person currently in last place. That would be AA’s own Big Matt. Sorry to throw you under the bus Matt, but it doesn’t mean we think any less of your football IQ.

Thanks again to everyone who is participating and good luck to those that are still in the running. I’ll be back with another update next week to let you know who’s still in the running as we head into the Final Four.

As always, thanks for reading and GO CHIEFS!!!
