So I know what you are thinking…
“Um, isn’t this a Kansas City Chiefs FOOTBALL blog?”
I know, I know, but I just can’t bring myself to write about the lockout / CBA nightmare today (I have lots of thoughts, but I’m not ready to go there yet). The other authors here at AA have the draft covered so far and free agency looks like it won’t happen for months so I thought I would do a little something different. Here’s what I had in mind……
While we Chiefs fans wait for the draft to get here and for owners and players to “just get along” why not do something together to pass the time. The only sports worth watching over the next couple of weeks is the NCAA tournament so let’s see which of us football fans has the most hoops knowledge (or more likely who can get lucky and guess the most correct teams). Now let me be clear, this is not a challenge just for those that are big time college hoops fans. I wouldn’t even know that college basketball was going on until after the Super Bowl if I didn’t occasionally see a Sports Center highlight while waiting for NFL Live to start. However, if you’re like me you still fill out a bracket to enter in your office/school/family pool, so why not log on to the official AA Bracket Challenge and let’s see which Addict can win bragging rights.
Details after the break.
So it’s pretty simple to do. You just take this link:
Once there, you enter the following:
Group Number: 143732
Password: chiefs
If you don’t currently have a yahoo profile it takes about 2 minutes to get one, so don’t let that scare you off. Then just fill out your bracket and you’re done. I think the best way to do it would be to use your AA username as the name of your bracket entry. That way, when we look at the leader board we’ll know which AA members are on top.
Here’s the scoring breakdown:
Each round of 64 game you get right is 1 point.
Round of 32 are 2 points.
Sweet 16 games are 3 points.
Elite 8 are 4 points.
Final 4 are 5 points.
The Championship Game is worth 6 points.
Finally, as an added twist you get a bonus point when you correctly pick an upset (defined as any lower seed beating a higher seed). For example, if Oakland knocks off Texas in the first round and you picked it, you would get 1 point for picking the game correct and one point for the “upset pick”. So there is a little added incentive to pick a few upsets in your bracket.
The play in games on Tues./Wed. do not count so brackets just have to be finished before the first games start on Thursday.
So there you go Addicts, let’s have some fun and try to take our minds off the whole labor situation. Personally, I like the idea of us doing something together as an AA family without giving the NFL owners or players the time of day. I still love my Chiefs and always will. I’m just a little put off with the league in general today. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
One last side note, I’ll use my post next Tuesday to update the current standings and you can feel free to use these posts to vent NFL frustrations, talk about the tourney, trash talk to other AA members about how your bracket is destroying them, etc. Let’s have some fun AA, as NFL fans we need it.
As always, thanks for reading and GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!