Haley: Cassel Is Ill


Matt Cassel missed practice today due to an illness according to head coach Todd Haley.

A stir was caused earlier when Kent Babb of the KC Star reported that Cassel was nowhere to be seen at practice. Adding to the stir was the promotion of QB Tyler Palko from the practice squad to the 53-man roster.

At his press conference Haley noted that Palko’s promotion was coincidental and had nothing to do with Cassel’s illness.

I think we can all exhale now. It isn’t good that Cassel is missing practice time during such an important week but it is better that he gets ill now than closer to game time. Cassel has been playing well and he knows the offense.

Look for him to rest up and return to practice tomorrow or Friday.

What do you think Addicts? How much will Cassel’s absence hurt  the Chiefs in their game preparation?