It has been a very cheerful week here at AA, with the Chiefs solidly beati...","articleSection":"Kansas City Chiefs News","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Editorial Staff","url":""}}

Open Mic Night

It has been a very cheerful week here at AA, with the Chiefs solidly beating the Seattle after killing the Cardinals.  On top of that, November marked the most traffic our beloved site has ever seen!

This of course is Open Mic Night, where we go over the weeks posts and let you record breakers talk about whatever you want regarding Sporting Kansas City, umm, I mean the Kansas City Chiefs (seriously, they renamed the Wizards Sporting Kansas City???).

Big Matt started off the week by talking about the Chiefs improved play as the plot thickens in the AFC West title race while Victor summoned The Force and prophesized that it was time for the Chiefs to fulfill their destiny.  I warned the Addicts not to overlook the Broncos game this weekend, and Adam went the next step and said the Chiefs need to use the game to make a statement to the Donkeys and the NFL.

There there you go, this weeks Open Mic Night part one.  What do you think was the most important topic this week Addicts?  I hope you have a great night, the floor is now open…

(Bonus Points for best caption to accompany the Rod Stewart photo)
