AA Fantasy Football League 4 Draft Is Tonight


Sheesh! I am about to hit my 3rd AA FF draft in as many nights.

This is just a reminder to all you League 4 guys that our draft is tonight at 9PM (EST).

Thus far everyone has been doing a good job of showing up. League 2 had full attendance and League 3 had 10 of 12.

In other news, Noshow Morono is ranked way too high by ESPN. Like, way too high.

If you missed the chance to get in to an AA league and you are interested in some FF with higher stakes, check out the info on our discounted deal with CBS Sportsline.

Arrowhead Addict and Fansided have teamed up with CBS Sportsline to give you massive discounts on a CBS Commissioner’s League.

By being a reader of AA you will receive a 50% discount off of the $179.00 price of your league.

Arrowhead Addict Fantasy Football Discount

These leagues are totally customizable. Get your friends together and decide your own rules. 10 teams? You got it. Need a 12 team league? You can do it. In fact, you can do just about anything you want. Your the Commissioner and it’s your league.

The NFL season is right around the corner so get your league started now.

It is very important that you click on the links in this post to get the discount.

Sign Up Now!

Also be sure to sign up for a CBS College Football League. If you have never played College FF before now is a good time to start.

Just click here to get started.