Divisional Smackdown Semi Finals


Last week we had the first round of our Fansided Divisional Smackdown! When the AFC West’s number was called I asked you guys to head over there and vote and you rose to the occasion.

The AFC West handily defeated the AFC North.

Now we are in a fight. We go up against Tom Brady and the AFC East and we are currently getting our behinds kicked in 74 votes to 4!

But we have yet to harness the power of Arrowhead Addict!I know you guys can catch us up.

Head over to Fansided.com and vote for Jamaal Charles, Ryan Lilja and the rest of the Chiefs on the All-AFC West squad. If we win, it will be like going to the Super Bowl.

Kind of.

Seriously. Go vote. I spent an ass load of time putting these together for the network and I want my side to win. 😉

Vote early. Vote often.You have 48 hours.

Oh and you can vote for the NFC side here:  NFC North vs. NFC East