New Forum Rankings


Earlier I talked about some of the new features we have added to our forums. Well, change comes fast and we have added something else. You now have the opportunity to rise to Arrowhead Addict greatness by cementing your status as a regular in the forums.

Starting now, you will be ranked by how many times you post in the forum. Each time you reach a certain level, you will receive a new badge. Just our way of rewarding our regulars and making sure newbies know who the biggest dogs in the AA yard are.

Here are the levels:

Draft Prospect – 15 posts or less
Pro Bowler
Hall of Famer

As you post and participate in the forums, you will move up the latter and be awarded for reaching each benchmark. Top members will receive special privileges as well as bragging rights around AA. Other than “Draft Prospect” I am keeping the numbers a secret. Post often and who knows, one day you might log in and find you are a Hall of Famer! You have to be a member to participate so if you haven’t signed up yet, do so.

I hope you enjoy the revamped forums and Arrowhead Addict.

Also, I should warn you, if you are only a lowly “Draft Prospect,” your current badge is a particularly dorky picture of Matt Cassel in high school. They get better as you progress so get posting. =)