Each day we will have a poll to deal with another position. You will vote on who you think the starter should be. However the standing shake out will determine the teams depth. For instance, if we vote on QB and Matt Cassel gets the most votes, followed by Croyle, followed by Gutierrez, the depth chart will follow the results. Some of these will be clear cut and some won’t. The key to make this fun, however, isn’t just to vote but to debate. If you think Croyle is a better QB than Cassel, don’t just vote but tell us why in the comments. When all is said and done, we can see if the Chiefs chose the same guys we do to be the team’s starters.
We move on to Day 2 of creating our own Arrowhead Addict Depth Chart.
Yesterday we voted on the QB’s and here is how things shook out:
1. Matt Cassel (83%)
2. Brodie Croyle (13%)
3. Tyler Palko (2%)
4. Matt Gutierrez (2%)
Cassel was our clear choice to be the starter but Brodie Croyle rallied a fair amount of support, bringing in 13% of the vote. The surprise here was that newcomer Tyler Palko beat out incumbent 3rd stringer Matt Gutierrez for what would likely be the last QB spot on the team. When I say barely I mean by literally 1 vote. Still, according to our depth chart, Addict Nation would likely cut Gutierrez. Interesting. We didn’t hear any arguments for Palko in the thread but I would love to hear some, not being terribly familiar with the kid myself.
We now move on to the running backs. Be sure to make your arguments in the comments.